How to Do an SEO Audit in 5 Steps

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An SEO audit, simply put, is an evaluation of your website. You check for various issues that could be acting as roadblocks preventing your website from ranking high enough to appear in search engine results pages or SERPs.

Why an SEO Audit is Necessary

Your ranking is your “Googleability.” When there are roadblocks, such as a lack of internal and external links, thin/duplicated content, and a lack of keyword optimization, then your “Googleability” can suffer quite a bit. For instance, the average click-through rate for the first Google search result (below the ads) is approximately 28.5%. From there, the click-through rate starts to fall quite a bit, with the second position averaging 15.6% and the third averaging 11%. Once you get to the bottom of the page, which is typically the 10th search result, the click-through rate drops to a dismal 2.5%

5 Steps Necessary in an SEO Audit

While a professional digital marketing consulting team can help you conduct a full SEO audit of your website, there are some steps you can take yourself if you are looking to do an audit of your own. Not quite sure where to start? Here are five steps you need to take when doing your own SEO audit of your website:

1. Perform a Site Crawl

A site crawl is a process where a “site crawler” gathers information from across your website by following its links and traveling deeper into your website. This information helps tell search engines what your site is about and whether it’s something searchers will benefit from. Performing a site crawl on your own website helps you identify any potential issues you may have missed when publishing your pages, such as setting them to “noindex” which blocks search engines from crawling and indexing your page. This process can also point out broken links and page errors that could be causing issues.

2. Check to See if Your Site is Indexed

Once you’ve taken the time to crawl your site, you’ll also want to take a moment to check and see if your site is indexed. This can be as simple as going to Google and entering “site:yourwebsite” into the search bar and hitting enter. The number of search results shared will tell you how many of your pages have been indexed by Google. If you want a more detailed look, however, then you’ll want to go ahead and check out Google Search Console. You’ll want to make sure you cross-check your number of indexed pages with the pages found during your site crawl, as this will help you find missing pages that could be causing you some troubles.

3. Manually Perform On-Page SEO Check

When creating your content, you want to make sure you are using digital marketing best practices, such as keyword optimization. This is the process of using the best keywords strategically throughout your content to help it rank in search engines. Once you’ve done your keyword research, you’ll want to make sure you are optimizing your content/page with the best keywords possible by including them in your: a. Blog/Page title b. Meta description (the description that appears under your title in the SERPS) c. In your H2 HTML tags d. Throughout the body of your text (when reasonable and being careful not to “stuff” the piece)

4. Check Your Page’s Meta Information

When you’re confident that your on-page SEO is on track, you want to go through each of your pages and check each piece of your meta information. Meta information or “Metadata” helps define your content and tell search engines what your content is about. The most frequently used metadata includes your: Meta Title: When it comes to SEO best practices, you want to pay careful attention to how you name your page. You want to make sure you are using the right keywords to rank accordingly. For example: “Apple Pie Recipes • Recipes for the Fall • Your Brand Name” Your keyword is included at the beginning, telling site crawlers exactly what the page is about, allowing it to rank accordingly. Meta Descriptions: Tells search engines/viewers what your page is about. If your page is about the best apple pie recipes, then your description may read: “Looking for the ultimate list of apple pie recipes for the fall? Then look no further! Here are 5 recipes that we know you’ll love!” Meta Keywords: this describes what your page is about. For example, “Apple Pie, Recipes” for a page that is about apple pie recipes.

5. Check for Thin/Duplicate Content

Google does not favor “thin” or duplicate content because it’s considered rehashed and generally not useful for those searching the web. So, if you find content that can be upgraded or simply done away with, mark it as such and remove these pages as necessary. For thin content, take the time to update it with relevant content that is up to date with current data that readers could benefit from.

Get a Reliable FREE SEO Audit of Your Website with CadenceSEO Consulting

Performing an SEO audit is a necessary step in ensuring that your website is set up for success. A proper SEO audit done by a skilled SEO consulting team can help you find where your site may be experiencing technical difficulties and help guide you in fixing them. Ready to take your website to the next level? Get your FREE SEO Audit today!
Picture of Kevin McLauchlin

Kevin McLauchlin

Kevin is one of the Co-Founders of CadenceSEO. He has spent the last 5 years living and breathing SEO as well as other Digital Marketing channels. Outside of work he is an Ultra-Runner and father of 6 amazing kids.

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